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Monday, February 8, 2016

Top 5 Legendary Skins

The Legendary skins for me was the most awesome but most expensive in it's skin.DJ Sona, Pulsefire Ezreal,Spirit Guard Udyr, Demonblade Tryndamere and Infernal Nasus.

DJ Sona

This was the latest and the greatest League of Legends skin.There was trio of music styles,show-stopping dance moves and light show effects.

Pulsefire Ezreal 

This skin a rare,ultimate skin and can't be bought since it was a limited offer before.It has new effects like it's animation,it's voice and etc.

Spirit Guard Udyr

It has new effects and it has a free badge if you buy this skin before since it is limited too.It has four models evolutions one in each stance.

Demonblade Tryndamere

This is the first legendary skin with new quality standards.It has new voice and terrifying appearance. 

Infernal Nasus

This skin was the image of Cerber,who creates hell in mythology.It has great voice over.Many effects.

Top 5 Rarest Skins

For me , the top 5 rarest skins in League of Legends are The 5
Victorious,PAX Twisted Fate ,Judgement Kayle,UFO Corki and Urf the Manatee Warwick.

The 5 Victorious Skins

The Victorious Skins are skins that can be achieve only at the end of one season.In season 1,the Victorious Jarvan was release.In season 2 was Victorious Janna.Season 3 was Victorious Elise.Season 4 was Victorious Morgana and the last is Victorious Sivir. I chose these because you would never be get one of these skin except if you meet what it is needed to get it.

 PAX Twisted Fate

It's skin was released in 2009 at the PAX event.It would never be released again because this event just happen once i think that's why i chose it as rarest skin.It was only release in season 3 and season 3 cannot be go back.

Judgement Kayle

Judgement Kayle was a skin that is a reward in Season 1.So i chose this as rare because  you cannot get this skin or you cannot purchase it unless you played the season 1 of League of Legends. 

UFO Corki

UFO Corki was a skin that pilots an UFO ship.This was given when you sign-in in League of Legends before January 14,2010. You cannot get this skin if you do not simply sign-in in League of Legends before the date.

Urf The Manatee Warwick

Urf the Manatee Warwick is a normal Warwick with Urf in it's back. This skin was released on April fools day. This was a unique skin. You cannot get this skin unless you play the game before April 2010.

The Project Skins

Yasuo,Fiora,Zed,Master Yi,Lucian and Leona. They have the project skins.This skins is the most beautiful skin for me for this year.It's skins are affordable and awesome. As you can see in my background, they are the five champions that are in project skin.

The first champion have the project skin is Yasuo.

Project Fiora

Her role is top lane.She is a fighter.

Project Master Yi

His role is farm.He is a fighter

Project Zed

His role is Midlane. He is an Assassin.

Project Lucian

His role is Ad Carry.He is a marksman.

Project Leona 

Her role is Support.She is tank support.

Watch this video.It is awesome.It talks all about the project skins.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Shen Rework

Shen - The Eye of a Twilight

There is a champ called Shen will be update.Shen is a ninja.He was the brother of Kennen. Some of his skills will be changed but his style of playing is the same. His old passive is after 8 seconds,his next attack will deal more damage while his new passive today is after casting an ability,he will gain a temporary shield but it has a long cooldown after it so the old one is better for me than the passive now.
He is still a tanky energy-based champ.
But his ultimate is the same as the old and his 3rd skill.

129th champion The Cursed?

Jhin the Virtuoso or the Deadeye is the 129th champion in League of Legends.He is an ad long ranged or should i say adc. He has an ability to kill you in so far range like the ultimate of Xerath and can kill you in your base or in turret.He is a different kind of marksman.  According to the story or lore, he rivals Sona,Shen and Zed. 

In the interenet, the story happens to Garen,Sona,Vi and Zed become interesting and popular.They are curious about what is happening to some of the champions.Jhin gives his team a huge boost for luring to have a clash.He has a pair of gun i think. I thought it as a cursed because he is the one like i said before i think last week, these champions cannot be played because of the lore.